Victoria Road Pre-School
Early Years Foundation Stages
Learning and development shape the activities and experiences that we provide children under the age of 5. The EYFS educational programme involves activities and experiences that cover 7 significant and inter-connected areas of learning and development.
Personal, Social, and Emotional Development (PSED)
This area helps to shape children’s social skills and develops respect and an understanding of their different feelings.
The teachers role model positive behaviour throughout the session and demonstrate British Values. We help the children grow and develop their independence by giving them opportunities to resolve issues that they may come across in everyday situations and how they deal with their emotions. Teachers will also praise positive behaviour and want to get the best out of each child.
Communication and Language Development (CL)
Providing an environment for young children to express themselves and speak and listen in a range of situations allows them to develop their language and communication skills. Teachers give each child time and patience for them to communicate their needs. We also use clear positive language to communicate along with flash cards, visual objects and Makaton for those that need extra support.
We use stories, group activities, show and tell time to build each child’s confidence, concentration, understanding and communication skills.
Physical Development (PD)
We all know that young children often love to be active, but they also need to understand that continued physical activity as well as healthy food choices are important, and why. Children will be supported in becoming more independent to try and explore new challenges showing an I CAN DO attitude.
They have opportunities to pour their own water and milk showing good control. They will be supported in holding mark making tools correctly to form letters. They are encouraged and supported in taking themselves to the toilet and independently washing and drying their hands.
Literacy (L)
For children to develop a life-long love for books. To be able to listen and share stories will help them build on their phonemic awareness – the ability to hear and identify different words and sounds.
The teachers share books with children and they can independently access them throughout the session. We talk about the story in detail and make group time fun by adding props and expression. The children have lots of opportunities to mark make on paper, in sand and on chalk boards with different tools to develop their fine motor skills.
Mathematics (M)
We provide rich opportunities for children to develop skills with numbers and calculations, as well as being able to describe shapes, spaces, and measures and to develop a deep understanding of the numbers to 10.
Throughout the session Maths is taught. We use language of size to describe objects, taking about length, height, weight and shapes. We represent numbers using fingers and objects.
Understanding the World (UW)
This involves children making sense of the things around them by observing and exploring everything from the places they spend time to the technology and toys that they use.
We have lots of resources for children to role model everyday actions, events and occupations. They explore nature and wildlife, learning how things grow and develop through our garden, the allotments and cycle of life. Children have an 'All About Me' book which they can share their family photos and WOW moments. This gives us the perfect opportunity to recognise and respect different cultural backgrounds and celebrate through events, such as daily life, foods, and music.
Expressive Arts and Design (EAD)
Role play, drawing, painting, instruments or technology all give children the chance to express themselves and learn new things.
Children will experiment with mixing colours and mark making, expression through play, sound, movement and vocally.
The four guiding principles
That every child is unique.
That every child can learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships.
That children learn and develop best in enabling environments.
That children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates.

